Tanzania/Zanzibar News

After the success of two water wells projects in Kiwengwa, a fishing village in the NE coast of Zanzibar, Ommana Foundation has completed construction of the third water well in Mkwajuni village.

Mkwajuni village has a population of 1,500-1,800.  The only source of water is a spring 7-9 kilometer away. Women and children have to walk this distance to fetch water for their daily use. Ommana foundation has constructed a water well that provides the entire population easy access of clean water for daily use. The project was completed in 2013.

Kiwengwa, a village of 20-25,000 people had no reliable source of water prior to this water well initiative. The hand dug water well (30ft.) has produced clean, safe, sweet water. It’s an open well; women/girls use roped buckets to draw water. “There is a constant flow of people (women/girls) waiting to get water from the well since it was officially opened In August 2011”, said Mr. Simai, one of the village elders.  The quality of water, according to the villagers is “just like DROP”.  DROP is the bottled water sold in Zanzibar costing $0.50-0.75 for 1.5 liters. The cost of such ‘luxury’ water is out of reach for most villagers. This statement underscores their joy of getting clean, reliable, and accessible water source. The Ommana project has significantly improved lives in Kiwengwa village, particularly for women and girls who traditionally are responsible for seeking/ collecting water for their families. The people of Kiwengwa express their gratitude to all Ommana Foundation members/contributors by saying “karibuni Kiwengwa, Zanzibar” (welcome to Kiwengwa, Zanzibar) and “asante sana” (thank you ever so much). The two water wells, the first that was dug close to the primary school and the second Well that is located in the center of the village has gone a long way to ease the local water problem.

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